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Contact Us

If you would like to contact the CGA team to...

  • pitch us your video game project, 🕹
  • develop a partnership with us, 🤝
  • find a job as a writer in crypto video games, 🖊
  • Tell us you like what you read here (or not 😅 ), 💜
  • Have a drink with the team 😜 ? 🍹

...Well, feel free to fill out this form. ⬇️


All partnership requests will be considered. However, if the projects do not correspond to our values, or if we judge the project to be of little interest to our readers, we reserve the right to decline these proposals.
In any case, please give us as many details as possible about your project so that we can get to know it better.

Search for volunteer writers

You like to write? You are passionate about video games and in particular the world of Play-to-Earn, metaverse and NFTs ?
Then send us your application to become crypto video game editor ! We are mainly looking for writers who can write guides and game tips on the following Play to Earn:

  • Axie Infinity,
  • Thetan Arena,
  • Gods Unchained,
  • if you play other P2E, don't hesitate to tell us.

All applications will be considered 😉