Category - GUIDES

Check out all of our blockchain game guides and all of the Play to Earn, Play and Earn and Metaverse game projects that are currently in development. We explain each project in detail and provide guides to get you started with the games.

Illuvium complete presentation of the project

With a great design, graphics that are already eye-catching and a gameplay that we can't wait to try, I present you a very promising project: Illuvium. If we had to summarize it in a few words, I would say that Illuvium is a 3D Pokémon-like game, in an open world, offering an exploration and capture mode and a game mode of...

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How to play Crazy Defense Heroes on PC ?

Want to know how to play Crazy Defense Heroes on PC? I explain it to you in this tutorial. Follow my explanations step by step and you will be able to play...


Cross The Ages | Full presentation

It is with great enthusiasm that I present you this project: Cross The Ages. If you want to discover a metaverse game project and Play To...


How to play Thetan Arena on PC?

If you're looking to find out how to play Thetan Arena on PC, you've come to the right place! It's very simple, just follow our step by step instructions...

Detailed presentations of gaming projects blockchain

We would like to present some of our blockchain gaming projects that are really worth taking an interest in. That is why, in this section, you will find many video game projects developed on the blockchain and deserving of some attention. How do we build our project presentations? It's simple. We base our presentations on the whitepaper or the litepaper available on the official website of the future game. Then, we will look for additional information on social networks, the official website, the Discord of the project, the YouTube channel and the various AMA (Ask Me Anything). This way, we are able to gather and synthesize a maximum of information.

Of course, as the game is in the draft stage at the time of writing, it is obvious that modifications and changes will be made regularly to the project. So always supplement your information with other reliable sources. Moreover, it is also possible that a project that we have presented here never sees the light of day. I am not necessarily talking about scam, but simply about a project that would be totally modified or abandoned by its team for any reason. In any case, the projects that are actually released are part of our list of blockchain games.

blockchain game guides to get started and tutorials to optimize your game

You will also find here various tutorials to help you in some games. Sometimes it will be a matter of beginner's guides to give you some tips and tricks to get a good start in a game and in the most optimal way possible. This can also concern registration procedures for alpha or beta tests of games, optimized strategies for your in-game compositions, game aids to optimize your games, etc. But we also offer tutorials rather related to the crypto-currency aspect of Play to Earn. For example, we make staking guides on some games that offer this profitability mechanism. We will explain the procedure to you, step by step.

Also, if you are new to this environment and you don't know all the ins and outs yet, I invite you to consult the FAQ section whose articles on NFTs and the metaverse will be able to answer many questions. This will also be the case for our lexicon of terms specific to crypto video games.
It is also very important to stay informed about news from the Play to Earn ecosystem, but also to know the best games blockchain according to their themes.

Guides for playing Play to Earn mobile on PC

Finally, in this section Guide, you will find tutorials explaining how to play P2E mobile games on your PC. Indeed, some games are only available on mobile (for example, the future game Guild of Guardians, Crazy Defense Heroes, etc.). It is not always easy or pleasant to play only on mobile (screen too small, battery that runs out quickly or phone not powerful enough to run the game properly). So we suggest you to play these Play to Earn mobile through an Android emulator for PC. The emulator allows you to find all the functionalities of your mobile, but on the screen of your PC and using its performance. In addition, we note that some games exist natively on PC and mobile, but sometimes the mobile version is more interesting on certain aspects of the game (as is the case for Thetan Arena).